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**Shepard**: *''How's the new body working out?''* **EDI**: *''It is interesting. The crew are approaching this platform to speak with me, even though they can do so anywhere on the ship. It's as if they wish to treat me as part of the crew. I am not, but this changes my perspective. I like it.''* **Shepard**: *''I didn't realize you had preferences.''* **EDI**: *''I do not precisely enjoy something as you do, but my programming contains priorities. Actions that fufill these priorities creates positive feedback for me. I tell the organic crew that I "like" it. It is shorthand.''* **Shepard**: *''Will all this new feedback be too distracting?''* **EDI**: *''Do not worry, Shepard. I only forget to recycle the Normandy's oxygen when I've discovered something truly interesting.''* [Shepard looks worried] **EDI**: *''That was a joke.''*


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Als tegenhanger van het gamequote-topic, hier kun je leuke, filosofische, totaal debiele of awesome film/seriequotes (en alles daartussenin) kwijt. **Voor een leuke filmquote:** Juno: "I'm like, kind of losing my faith in humanity." **Eeeen een seriequote, uit Game Of Thrones 2x09:** J: "Hound, tell the Hand that his King has asked him a question." H: "... The King has asked you a question." T: "Ser Lancel, tell the Hound to tell the King that the Hand is extremely busy. L: "The Hand would like you to tell the King that... J: "If I asked him to cut you in half, he would do it without a second thought!" T: "That would make me the Quarterman. Just doesn't have the same ring to it." Tadaaa! Was dat nou zo moeilijk, baklap.


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"Because he's the hero that Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now... and so we'll hunt him... because he can take it... because he's not a hero... he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector... a Dark Knight..." Elke keer weer kippenvel van het lezen van deze quote, geniale afsluiting van een fucking geniale film.
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