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Die ps4 memory is wel een big deal he ? I just assume that the consulted developers know their needs, and that it in fact makes sense for Sony to use GDDR5 RAM for the system architecture their engineers have devised for the PS4. It's the memory bandwidth that's supposedly spectacular, and way above what we've been seeing to date in our consumer hardware. The PS3 works with 25 GB/s memory bandwidth. Standard current gaming PCs have around 50 GB/s memory bandwidth. Only extremely specialized and expensive gaming PCs have comparable memory bandwidths - and no current games properly support such a setup. That's why the PS4's architecture is a big deal. Games will be optimized for the PS4's memory bandwidth, and it will enable a quantum leap in regards to game fidelity. PS4's supposed memory bandwidth is 178 GB/s, more than triple the amount of your average current gaming PC. It can shovel around massive amounts of data with unprecedented ease and speed.
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