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Verzin een plot voor Assassins Creed


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Er is hier op PU.NL veel geklaag over de nieuwe verhaallijn voor Assassins Creed 4. Daarom daag ik jullie uit om hier je eigen plot en setting voor een nieuwe Assassins Creed te plaatsen. Wees zo uitgebreid mogelijk en hou je vooral niet in. Bring it on baklappen. En zoals altijd gooi er maar een slotje op als er al een dergelijk topic is.
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Ik heb eens zitten denken over het hele guns gebeuren en heb een soort van oplossing. De spel methode is een beetje zoals splinter cell blacklist. Namelijk 3 stromingen:wolf,eagle en bear. Wolf is de ultieme assassin methode waarbij je nooit wordt opgemerkt en geen guns worden gebruikt. Eagle is een combinatie van stealth en dodelijk geweld met voornamelijk messen,bijlen en dergelijke maar wanneer nodig pak je ook gewoon geweren. Bear is voor de persoon die stealth overdreven vinden. Je motto is eerst schieten dan vragen stellen. Je bent geen fan van messen en schakelt je doel uit het liefste met een explosie. Graag wil ik weer weten wat jullie hier van vinden net als eventuele op of aanmerkingen.
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als ik een assasin zou zijn in die tijd, zou ik deze wapens dragen. hidden blade (dichtbij) werpmessen (close range als je opgemerkt word) bijl (om normaal iemand te lijf te gaan) bommen weet ik niet. en een russische bolt action sniper (voor verre afstanden) denk hierbij ook dat steden in puinliggen en dat je daar in kan lopen wat nog recht op staan. en daar jezelf kan schuilen. kleren: een russische leger pak, met de muts van een assasin dat dicht aan je huis zit zodat je wel lenig kunt zijn maar als je gaat rennen dat het dan niet met de wint mee gaat.
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In December 1789, Roselle gets to hear from Jules of a plot to frame the Anglure family, the family of her childhood friend Lucienne, for treason and to execute all three of them. Roselle sets out to warn them, after Jules is reluctant to help and she angrily leaves. When she arrives at the Anglure mansion, she finds them already been arrested, and on their way to Paris. She goes after the convoy and manages to free Lucienne. Together, they run off, but when they get back to Paris, they are recognised, thrown in jail, interrogated and sentenced to death. By that time, Lucienne’s parents are already beheaded. But a few hours before Roselle and Lucienne are to be executed, the prison is infiltrated by Parisian Assassins, under the direction of Jules, who had heard of their imprisonment. Both girls are freed, and taken to the Assassins’ headquarters. Here they learn that the French Revolution’s jumpstart, the Storming of the Bastille, was in reality directly caused by a conflict of two factions of Templars: The Royalist Templars and the Revolutionary Templars. The Royalist Templars think that order in France can only be achieved by letting Louis XVI continue his reign, while he Revolutionary Templars think that the cause of all the unrest and disorder is the people’s discontent with the French royal family. Within the Revolutionary Templars, also several factions have formed. The conflict (assassinations and politics) between those factions rages on while time passes, with the Revolutionary Templars gaining the upper hand. However, the different factions formed within the Revolutionary Templars, for example the Jacobins, Girondists and Enragés, weren’t always seeing eye to eye, and they split up to build their own supporters. The Assassins aren’t necessarily aligned with a faction, though they usually align themselves with the sansculottes. Lucienne’s parents were influential Royalists, with great power within the Royalist faction, though they didn’t know of the Templars’ existence. That’s why the Revolutionary Templars wanted them dead, and that’s why they were framed for treason. The Royalist Templars were the ones that tried to protect them, to no avail. Up till so far in the story, the Assassins haven’t done much against the Revolution, nor intervened in the conflict of the two Templar factions. In fact, they haven’t done anything really for the past years. However, both Templar factions start to realize this and they direct a part of their attention towards the Assassins, so a triangle is formed between the Assassins and both Templar factions.
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At this point in the story, both Lucienne and Roselle become Assassins in training, while Jules remains an important ally but not directly an Assassin. The player will now also gain control of Lucienne. Roselle’s training takes a year to complete (December 1789-January 1791), while Lucienne’s training takes a year and a half until she’s finally an Assassin (in June 1791). A lot of the training is done directly in the city, and in that half year difference between Roselle’s and Lucienne’s training, Roselle acts as Lucienne’s trainer and often, if not always, takes her into the field. Roselle’s training is completed just in time to help the sansculottes foil the flight to Varennes of the Royal family. At this point, the Royalist Templars are getting shattered and scattered because of their help in the flight to Varennes, leaving the Revolutionary Templars to take control. There are some Royalists left, but they can’t take action anymore, as virtually everyone in Paris is now a Revolutionary. At first, the Revolutionary Templars’ reign consists mostly of politics, leaving everything else intact. The Assassins use this period to try to calm the city a little. But when the Jacobins split into radicals and less radicals and the National Consistuent Assembly is replaced by the Legislative Assembly, things start to go south. Slowly and steadily, also under the pressure of winter and famine, Paris becomes more and more of a powder keg, waiting to be lit. This happens in January 1792, with the Food Riots. The Assassins try to calm the citizens by raiding the storages of the Aristocrats and bringing those supplies to the city, but it doesn’t help much. *To be continued.*
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