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CDAB 60 [LX] Een gegeven melaats boerenpaard in de bek kijken.


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Ach, waarom niet. Dit is wat ie zei; > I hate drugs. All kinds of drugs really. They're a waste of time and a waste of money and I seriously hope I never get involved with them. > But what I hate more than drugs are the people that use them. In my opinion, those who partake in drugs, be it alcohol, weed or something even more severe, are weak and spineless and use it as a crutch to try and give meaning to the lives they've fucked up completely. They think of drugs as an escape from their problems, or as a means to be happy and live off this artificial high that's just that, it's artificial. There's nothing natural about the way drugs make you feel and they will end up destroying you in the long run, and good riddance I say, the world would be better off without you. > And yeah I know what I'm saying is incredibly controversial and I'm not saying this shit true but it's what I believe personally. These are my thoughts on drugs and drug users specifically, take it or leave it.


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