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Ik heb eens zitten denken over het hele guns gebeuren en heb een soort van oplossing. De spel methode is een beetje zoals splinter cell blacklist. Namelijk 3 stromingen:wolf,eagle en bear. Wolf is de ultieme assassin methode waarbij je nooit wordt opgemerkt en geen guns worden gebruikt. Eagle is een combinatie van stealth en dodelijk geweld met voornamelijk messen,bijlen en dergelijke maar wanneer nodig pak je ook gewoon geweren. Bear is voor de persoon die stealth overdreven vinden. Je motto is eerst schieten dan vragen stellen. Je bent geen fan van messen en schakelt je doel uit het liefste met een explosie. Graag wil ik weer weten wat jullie hier van vinden net als eventuele op of aanmerkingen.
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Klinkt leuk, alleen klopt er historisch niet zo heel veel van :| Mocht je willen weten waarom: De keizer destijds, Meiji, regeerde tot zijn dood in 1912. De AC serie speelt met de geschiedenis, door bijvoorbeeld een man als Cesare Borgia, die tijdens een slag in Viana. De aanpassing die ze hebben gedaan is dat Ezio degene is die Cesare dood. In de geschiedenis komt niet duidelijk naar voren wie Cesare nou eigenlijk doodde, dus kan Ubisoft daar mee spelen. Maar om een keizer die alom bekend is en aangezien in de recente geschiedenis er veel over te vinden is... niet slim als ze nog een beetje geloofwaardigheid willen houden. Verder weet ik het niet zeker, maar waarschijnlijk gaat het stealthy doen een beetje heel erg in tegen de code van de Samurai.
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als ik een assasin zou zijn in die tijd, zou ik deze wapens dragen. hidden blade (dichtbij) werpmessen (close range als je opgemerkt word) bijl (om normaal iemand te lijf te gaan) bommen weet ik niet. en een russische bolt action sniper (voor verre afstanden) denk hierbij ook dat steden in puinliggen en dat je daar in kan lopen wat nog recht op staan. en daar jezelf kan schuilen. kleren: een russische leger pak, met de muts van een assasin dat dicht aan je huis zit zodat je wel lenig kunt zijn maar als je gaat rennen dat het dan niet met de wint mee gaat.
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nee, want de tempeliers hadden maar 1 assasin en dat was in revelations en nu zijn het er meer. mensen opleiden kon ik brotherhood en dorp bouwen kon in ac3 en de vader enzo werden vermoord in ac 2, en hij vond geen dochter. en de familie van auditore waren rijk, als ze arm waren hadden ze scheuren in hun broek. als ik dat goed had. maar nu kan je zelf bepalen wie wat word en wat jij in je dorp wilt. denk aan een kroeg voor inkomsten en plezier, boederij en een molen voor graan en brood te maken, houthakkers om hout te krijgen. een handels markt om spullen te verhandelen etc...
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Voor wie geïnteresseerd is: Heb dat concept van mij onderaan deze pagina verder uitgewerkt, alleen het verhaal is niet af. Alles in Engels, dat vind ik fijner. Subtitle: Revolt Period of time: French Revolution, 1789-179(5-9) Location: France: Paris, Versailles, suburban region (mansions of the Aristocrats, meadows, forests, villages…) Protagonist: Roselle Peyre - Age: 17 when the Revolution starts, 16 when she moves to Paris - Race: Caucasian - Colour of hair: Brown - Colour of eyes: Green - Length: 1.72m - Specialties: Parkour, pickpocketing, distraction, burglaries - Preferred weapons: sword(s) , daggers, hidden blades, throwing knives - Specialty weapon: Pistol sword, for when brute force needs to be applied - Personality: In the beginning wild and reckless, as the game progresses she becomes a calmer, more thoughtful type of person - Short description: Roselle is a low-born servant with the Anglure family. She works as a cleaner in their mansion, same as her mother, while her father is a cook. Childhood friend of Lucienne, whom she played with until her 16th, when she and her parents moved to Paris; acts as Lucienne’s older sister. In Paris she meets Jules Toussaint, who becomes a good friend, mentor and ‘partner in crime’, and teaches her pickpocketing, lockpicking and a little about parkour. 2nd protagonist: Lucienne D’Anglure - Age: 16 when the Revolution starts - Race: Caucasian - Colour of hair: Blond - Colour of eyes: Brown - Length: 1.68m - Specialties: Parkour, distraction, proficient marksman, stealth - Preferred weapons: Bayonet, pistols, hidden blades, shortsword(s) - Specialty weapon: Recurve bow, for taking out enemies silently over a longer distance - Personality: Slightly arrogant when the Revolution starts, becomes less arrogant over time - Short description: Only child of the Anglure-family. Played often with Roselle, up until Roselle left when Lucienne was 15. Her parents are rich aristocrats, and much more arrogant than she is. They didn’t approve of her playing with “that servant girl”, but allowed it as Lucienne is their only child, and didn’t have anyone to play with.
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Deuteragonist: Jules Toussaint - Age: 22 when the Revolution starts - Race: Caucasian - Colour of hair: Dark blond - Colour of eyes: Blue-grey - Length: 1.87m - Specialties: Hand-to-hand and sword-combat, burglary, pickpocketing - Preferred weapons: Fists, daggers, pistols, sword - Specialty weapon: Combined brass knuckles/dagger - Personality: Calm, calculating - Short description: Grown up as street scum, stealing and picking pockets. Because of this, he’s a very skilled thief. He’s very familiar with the streets of Paris, and is an important contact for the French Assassins, street talk is one of theirmost important assets and he knows how to acquire information from bums, vendors, peasants and such. Becomes some sort of mentor/partner in crime for Roselle when she moves to Paris, and teaches her a bit of parkour, lock picking and pickpocketing. Story concept/outline: First 0.5 hour- 1 hour of gameplay/cutscenes while inside the Animus takes a look at the relationship between Roselle and Lucienne when they were not yet 16; This means that the story focuses on how the servant girl and the daughter of the aristocratic family became good friends, but split after Roselle’s family was fired and had to move. Then the story focuses on Roselle’s time in Paris, and training as a thief. Her parents can get jobs, but it’s not enough to pay for all expenses, and so, after a few weeks they throw Roselle on the streets, so they can afford living themselves. For a few days Roselle lives and sleeps on and off the streets. Then, when she tries to pickpocket Jules, Jules catches her, but instead of taking her to the guards, he decides to let her live with him, and teaches her quite a few tricks about parkour (Roselle has a talent for it), lockpicking and pickpocketing. At this time, Jules is already affiliated with the Assassins, but he figures Roselle is best off not knowing. On July 14 1789, eight months after Roselle moves in with Jules, they both witness and participate in the Storming of the Bastille. This event marks the start of the French Revolution. The first while, Both Roselle and Jules keep out of the business that has to do with the Revolution; They have chosen no sides. Roselle also decided to travel to Versailles on October 5, 1789, and joins the Women’s March on Versailles. During the break-in, Roselle steals away, but refrains from violence. After this event, Versailles is only lightly guarded, and the player is able to sneak back in at any time.
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In December 1789, Roselle gets to hear from Jules of a plot to frame the Anglure family, the family of her childhood friend Lucienne, for treason and to execute all three of them. Roselle sets out to warn them, after Jules is reluctant to help and she angrily leaves. When she arrives at the Anglure mansion, she finds them already been arrested, and on their way to Paris. She goes after the convoy and manages to free Lucienne. Together, they run off, but when they get back to Paris, they are recognised, thrown in jail, interrogated and sentenced to death. By that time, Lucienne’s parents are already beheaded. But a few hours before Roselle and Lucienne are to be executed, the prison is infiltrated by Parisian Assassins, under the direction of Jules, who had heard of their imprisonment. Both girls are freed, and taken to the Assassins’ headquarters. Here they learn that the French Revolution’s jumpstart, the Storming of the Bastille, was in reality directly caused by a conflict of two factions of Templars: The Royalist Templars and the Revolutionary Templars. The Royalist Templars think that order in France can only be achieved by letting Louis XVI continue his reign, while he Revolutionary Templars think that the cause of all the unrest and disorder is the people’s discontent with the French royal family. Within the Revolutionary Templars, also several factions have formed. The conflict (assassinations and politics) between those factions rages on while time passes, with the Revolutionary Templars gaining the upper hand. However, the different factions formed within the Revolutionary Templars, for example the Jacobins, Girondists and Enragés, weren’t always seeing eye to eye, and they split up to build their own supporters. The Assassins aren’t necessarily aligned with a faction, though they usually align themselves with the sansculottes. Lucienne’s parents were influential Royalists, with great power within the Royalist faction, though they didn’t know of the Templars’ existence. That’s why the Revolutionary Templars wanted them dead, and that’s why they were framed for treason. The Royalist Templars were the ones that tried to protect them, to no avail. Up till so far in the story, the Assassins haven’t done much against the Revolution, nor intervened in the conflict of the two Templar factions. In fact, they haven’t done anything really for the past years. However, both Templar factions start to realize this and they direct a part of their attention towards the Assassins, so a triangle is formed between the Assassins and both Templar factions.
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At this point in the story, both Lucienne and Roselle become Assassins in training, while Jules remains an important ally but not directly an Assassin. The player will now also gain control of Lucienne. Roselle’s training takes a year to complete (December 1789-January 1791), while Lucienne’s training takes a year and a half until she’s finally an Assassin (in June 1791). A lot of the training is done directly in the city, and in that half year difference between Roselle’s and Lucienne’s training, Roselle acts as Lucienne’s trainer and often, if not always, takes her into the field. Roselle’s training is completed just in time to help the sansculottes foil the flight to Varennes of the Royal family. At this point, the Royalist Templars are getting shattered and scattered because of their help in the flight to Varennes, leaving the Revolutionary Templars to take control. There are some Royalists left, but they can’t take action anymore, as virtually everyone in Paris is now a Revolutionary. At first, the Revolutionary Templars’ reign consists mostly of politics, leaving everything else intact. The Assassins use this period to try to calm the city a little. But when the Jacobins split into radicals and less radicals and the National Consistuent Assembly is replaced by the Legislative Assembly, things start to go south. Slowly and steadily, also under the pressure of winter and famine, Paris becomes more and more of a powder keg, waiting to be lit. This happens in January 1792, with the Food Riots. The Assassins try to calm the citizens by raiding the storages of the Aristocrats and bringing those supplies to the city, but it doesn’t help much. *To be continued.*
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Important gameplay notes and alterations: - No more sea battles (the French Revolution doesn’t have much to do with it, and it would feel forced if sea battles would be added then) - Cooperation with Lucienne. This is applied in a few aspects: o At most times in gameplay, except in missions which the persona has to do alone, the player can switch from the one persona to the other with the press of a button. This can make for some interesting shared assignments. Yes, this is something like GTA V. I still have to work out how this is going to work with the ancestry part of the story and such. o The two personas share an armoury. They can use each other’s weapons, but it’s possible that the one has more skill with that weapon than the other (for example, Lucienne is a better and quicker shot than Roselle, whereas Roselle can use throwing knives more effectively (faster throwing, more damage)). If the one has a weapon from the armoury, then the other cannot use it, as it is taken. Consumables (bullets, arrows, poison, possible health potions) and equipment like pouches, hidden blades and such are not shared, and the player can create drops for when the one has large quantities of ammo and the other one doesn’t. These will be marked on the map, and the other persona can collect it when they like. o At times when both personas are in close proximity of each other (and at all times during shared missions), the one can give the other signals to do something, for example cause a distraction or kill a guard. This isn’t necessarily new, this is about the same system as AC Brotherhood, Revelations and III have, but now it’s with just one extra Assassin, instead of six or more assassins. o Possibility for co-opmissions. Not like Wolfpack mode in AC III and Black Flag, but a co-op-option integrated in the singleplayer campaign, in the missions that Lucienne and Roselle cooperate. - Combat is altered from Assassin’s Creed III. The combat in AC3 was advertised as harder than in previous instalments, when this wasn’t really the case. In ACV: Revolt, the combat is more like duelling/fencing. The player has to attack and defend multiple times per enemy; Counters are less effective than in previous instalments, and with multiple guards, attacks, parries and counters must be executed in quick succession. - The gameplay world (Paris, Versailles and villages, meadows, forests etc surrounding the cities) is one big environment. Travelling can happen by fast travel points, horse, carriage and foot. Revealing it works like AC3, but this time the whole map can be covered by reaching high points; In AC3 it was one of my biggest annoyances that such small parts were covered by reaching high points and running around. This is fixed now, so you’re not busy for days revealing the map.
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- More indoor environments. Quite a few houses can be broken into and robbed of valuable possessions. Breaking in can happen in a few manners: Picking the lock (low profile), kicking in the door (high profile), jumping through a window (high profile), … - More stealth gameplay. The player can now crouch out of own action, so they can take cover behind objects of waist height. This is used to sneak past guards who defend an object or assassination target. With this come more burglary missions, especially before Roselle and Lucienne join the Assassins. - More customization options. This is one of the things that is well done in the Assassin’s Creed multiplayer, but has always been rather limited in singleplayer, confined to colours, a few armours, one or two special armours and a few cosmetic outfits. Customization in singleplayer will now be introduced on a broader scale. The player can choose from an assortment of armour elements, and these elements can all be coloured differently. The function of these armour parts are not only cosmetic, they give the player an armour/health bonus too. The robes themselves can also be altered and coloured, and the cowl can be worn down or up, and with or without mouth cover, though this does affect notoriety. Hair colour and style can also be changed, and these are even visible when the cowl is up (bun, braid, ponytail, straight, …). o Slot System for armour and weapons. The player has a limited amount of slots that can be used for armour parts and weapon sheathes. That means that the player can only assign so many weapons and armour parts to either Roselle or Lucienne. As an example: Either one bayonet, two swords and two pistols + medium armour parts, or two swords, two daggers, two pistols, twenty throwing knives and light armour parts. Standard equipment, like the hidden blades, are always available, consumables are also always available to pick up if you still have storage left in your inventory, and pouches are available for buying/crafting to enlarge your inventory, like previous games. Furthermore, the player can get more slots for weapons when he uses less armour, and vice versa, and the amount of slots can be increased by buying/crafting and progressing in the story.
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- Unrest System. The Unrest System is a moral-based gameplay element that influences the state of different Arondissements (parts of the city of Paris). Partially derived from the ‘One Step At A Time’-memory from Assassin’s Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington DLC, the player can perform certain events in the various Arondissements. These events can either cause unrest in, or calm down that part of the city. Alterations in the outcome of the Revolution can be achieved through this system. The player also has the option of not using this system, and then the Revolution will end just the way it historically ended. However, for some larger missions it is useful to have an orderly Arondissement or a chaotic Arondissement. - Possible return of the Assassin Recruits, though in the style of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood: Recruits can die, can be sent on missions in other cities and cannot be assigned to ‘dens’ which makes them unkillable. Also, customization is improved: More colours and armour to choose from, and a slower process of becoming the rank of Assassin.
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Feudal Japan: heel beknopt; Sengoku Jidaij, Alle clans komen in opstand tegen de huidige Ashikaga Shogunate (Templars) En de opstandige clans zijn dus Assassins (aan de kant van..). Prof. storywriters kunnen hier gemakkelijk een plot omheen maken. Nou, het is hét Ninja tijdperk dus voor een character kun je er zo een paar uitkiezen. Wapens zit ook wel goed. En als deze storyline té obvious is kun je alsnog de rollen omdraaien, De Assassins moeten een Templar rebellion tegenhouden.
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