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CDAB 36 [XXXVI] Het is lekker weer, ga naar buiten!


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[lets play a game]( I want to see if you are all thinking like americans (no offence to real americans). see this [graph]( this graph gives sources of background radiation in the netherlands and the given percentages (RIVM 2012). there are 4 types of sources: -Radon (decay product of uranium and thorium) -medical radiation (average dose that you get per year per person when going to the hospital) - rest radiation (put this one together so it would be easy for you, it consists of cosmic radiation, ingestion and external terrestrial radiation) -artificial radiation (like radiation made by nuclear power plants) what i want you to do is to think and place them in the right part of the graph. if you did that please look at the answer given by the graph in the spoilers and tell me then if you thought it right. `spoiler` [these are the anwers]( did you have it wrong? `spoiler`
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